Boca Benefits Consulting Group Inc.

A Blog for HR and Benefits Professionals

MS Security Essentials Trojan Warning Eliminated

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As of July 15, 2013 MSE has identified a Trojan they have named Seedabutor.C. There is some question about the validity of the MSE warning since no other anti-virus or malware protection vendor has done so. This blog database had a post, which has since been eliminated, which had third party HTML coding which apparently was linking back to the trojan file and was causing an MSE warning each time this blog was accessed for the first time per session. We are not sure if the link was heretofore safe and the destination location was recently corrupted but erring on the side of caution we deleted the post in entirety.

We are currently waiting for the WordPress RSS feed to eliminate the post from the feed file. In the interim, you may continue to see MSE warnings if you access the RSS link. Standard recommended settings on MSE should render any warnings you might see as safe. If you get one, ensure that you go back to MSE and take the removal action suggested.

We have also noted that old RSS data may be resident on your local machine if you have subscribed to any or our RSS links and are using one of the IE products as a browser/reader. From what we can tell, neither IE8, IE9 nor IE10 erase or overwrite old data in the RSS archive. Even when our hosted RSS feed changes (as in the case of deleting the old post in question), only new posts are added to your local archive andĀ old posts remainĀ that may cause the MSE warning to keep being generated. Solution: unsubscribe from the BBCB Blog RSS and then re-subscribe later. The unsubscribe action will purge the local archive files and subsequent accessing of the RSS file will download new data. If you access our RSS directly from a link you should not have that problem, as unsubscribed access does not cause an archive function to occur. Also, other browsers and readers don’t seem to have this problem. However, if you have a news aggregator that seems to generate the MSE warning, same goes… delete subscription and then re-subscribe later.

Written by admin

July 18th, 2013 at 2:14 pm

Posted in Communications,RSS Feeds

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