Boca Benefits Consulting Group Inc.

A Blog for HR and Benefits Professionals

Archive for the ‘Products’ Category

Update on the “To Age 26” PPACA Provision / BBCG Solutions

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Yesterday I read the results of a survey conducted by a large national HR consulting company which indicated that only 16% of employers intend to implement the “To Age 26” provision of PPACA early to accommodate graduating college seniors. Most existing plans, which are “grandfathered” by definition (i.e., in existence on March 23, 2010) will defer making the offering until the first anniversary/plan-year date following the mandatory statute date of September 23, 2010.

The Impact

1. Many graduating college seniors will not be eligible until January 2011 when the majority of plans have plan-year dates.
2. Some will have to wait even longer if plan-year date is later than January 1st.
3. Some could have to wait as long as August 2011 if the plan has an odd summer/fall plan-year date.
4. Same goes for other “adult children” up to age 26 who thought they would become eligible immediately.

BBCG brokers permanent individual coverage. However, we also have short-term temporary coverage for this type of situation. If you know anyone who falls into the above categories, please have them go to where they can access a self-directed quoting service from United Healthcare’s “UnitedHealthOne” (f/k/a Golden Rule) products. The second screen following the initial zip code screen allows for selection of the short-term product.

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BBCG Blog Will Test New Sharing Button

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This BBCG blog is going to test the below sharing service and see if it is better than just an individual Facebook or Twitter link. As you will see if you hover over it with your mouse, virtually every social media is available.  If you don’t see your favorite service in the initial list, click on the “More” selection and an extended list will appear.

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Written by Bob Murphy

May 19th, 2010 at 12:25 pm

Minor Bug Between Facebook and

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Posts are getting to Facebook directly from the BBCG blog RSS feed. However, Facebook has a quirk in the way these forwards are handled. Unlike other links on Facebook, the blog post titles (i.e., a link) in these forwards do not get handled directly. Facebook handles the link via an intermediary URL (i.e., actually some kind of PHP call code) before directing the user to a final location.

The problem: can’t get back to the original Facebook location. Browser back button will only get you back to the intermediary URL which then directs you automatically to the final location. Puts you in an endless loop.

Use your browser history or other method to access Facebook directly if you find this happening. Your log-in should still be valid.

Notified Facebook support today about this issue.

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Written by admin

May 17th, 2010 at 12:31 pm

You Can Now Forward BBCG Blog Posts Directly to Your Facebook Account

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As we indicated in a prior post, will send all copies of posts here directly to our @bbcgbenefits Twitter account and to the Facebook account for Bob Murphy.

However, we understand that you may want to send certain posts to your own Facebook page and to your network of friends without first accessing the above accounts. To facilitate your ease of sharing we will be adding the below Facebook icon to the bottom of our posts. By clicking on it, you can share any post directly to Facebook.

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[Note: to share only this single post, click title of this post above prior to clicking on Share icon.] Now Syndicating BBCG Blog Posts to Twitter and Facebook

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We have established an automatic publishing system whereby posts made on this blog are read from our “entries” RSS feed and sent along to Twitter and Facebook for posting on accounts maintained on those services. Our intent is broaden our readership base as much as possible.

Please refer friends and/or followers to our accounts. On Twitter please see @bbcgbenefits and on Facebook please see the account for Bob Murphy. 

If you would like to participate as an author on this blog, please contact us to receive registration information.

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NAIC PPACA (Healthcare Reform 2010) Frequently Asked Questions Resource

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Below is link to excellent National Association of Insurance Commissioners “Frequently Asked Questions” resource relative to the specfics of PPACA (i.e., 2010 health care reform statute). It is segmented by Consumers, Employers and Seniors.

Click here for link.

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May is Disability Insurance Awareness & Mental Health Month

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Guardian Life Insurance Comipany of America is donating $1 to Mental Health America for every “depresssion knowledge” survey completed during May 2010 Mental Health Month.  A few minutes of your time will support a worthwhile cause. 

Please click here to access survey.

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CIGNA Hosting “To Age 26” Teleconference Wed., May 19, 2010

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CIGNA is hosting an educational teleconference on the subject of early implementation of the “To Age 26” provision of PPACA. Valuable for all employers sponsoring employee health plans (i.e., both insured and self-funded). Possibly broker and CIGNA client oriented. However, pertinent to all regardless of present carrier and/or TPA.

CIGNA teleconference registration link.

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HHS “To Age 26” PPACA Resources

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Below are two links to resources provided by the U.S.  Department of Health and Human Services in regard to the new “To Age 26” provisions of PPACA. Important reading for graduating college seniors, parents and other adult children less than 26 years of age.

HHS Frequently Asked Questions

HHS fact sheet

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United Healthcare is Added to Carrier List of Accelerated “To Age 26” Provision of PPACA

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United Healthcare announced that it has agreed to the White House’s request to provide coverage for graduating college seniors under the “To Age 26” provision of PPACA (i.e.,  2010 health reform act). See below excerpt from announcement. Click here for full broker announcement.


On April 19 we (sic) announced that we will work with customers that wish to extend the health coverage that graduating college students currently have under their parents’ plans. As a result, we are mailing letters beginning May 5 to all fully insured customers* regarding our graduate coverage initiative.  The mailing includes the Customer Notice, Letter and FAQ and Opt-Out form posted above.


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