Boca Benefits Consulting Group Inc.

A Blog for HR and Benefits Professionals

Archive for the ‘Brokers’ tag

On-line Benchmarking Webinar Now Available

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There are a number of pressing issues facing employers today including: employee loyalty, retirement and an aging workforce, health and wellness, employee advice and guidance, and the alignment of benefits objectives and strategies. The online benefits benchmarking tool BBCG can make available can help you address these challenges by providing the data you need to determine how your organization measures up compared to similar companies, with the goal to remain competitive in attracting and retaining top employee talent.

In our presentation we will show you how to use the insights contained in an industry-leading benefits benchmarking tool to help you maximize the effectiveness of benefits plans and be responsive to your employees’ benefits priorities.

It will help you answer such questions as:

  • Are benefits strategies and objectives on target with a company’s peers’?
  • How important are benefits in addressing the goals of attraction and retention of talented workers in a particular industry or region of the country?
  • Which benefits are most commonly offered among a company’s peers, and which are most important to employees with similar characteristics?
  • How do employees’ attitudes toward their benefits vary by generation?
  • Which demographic groups of the workforce say their benefits communications effectively educate them?

For our clients and soon to be clients, we have a link to a one hour benchmarking webinar recently conducted in conjunction with Employee Benefits News. Please contact us at to set up an appointment to view the webinar with us.

Written by Bob Murphy

October 8th, 2008 at 1:12 pm

For Those Without Access to Group Coverage

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Notes to this post:

1. BBCG has licensed agents in Florida and Washington D.C.  For other prospects, we will most often make the appropriate referral. In cetain cases, where it makes economic sense, BBCG will have an agent request a non-resident license in the appropriate state.

2. Golden Rule has changed its name to UnitedHealthOne as a subsidiary of United Healthcare.

3. BBCG now offers CIGNA indidivual and small group health plans in this same market segment.

BBCG has selected Golden Rule, a United Healthcare company since 2003, as its primary carrier for the needs of individuals and families in Florida. We offer qualified HSA, traditional high deductible, and traditional copay type plans for individuals and families without access to employer sponsored group insurance programs. In addition to full benefit plans, there are also available “saver” type plans which provide high cost services coverage while trading off frequent lower cost services in return for lower premium levels (i.e., sometimes referred to as “catastrophic” type plans). Short term medical plans (i.e., up to six months) are also available for those temporarily between group sponsored plans.

These plans are excellent for those persons who are self-employed, who have taken early retirement, who are at the end of their COBRA eligibility, for students who have exceeded the limiting age of their parent’s group plan, who individually purchase health coverage with the assistance of their employers, etcetera.

These plans are also excellent for the public sector employee with one young dependent child (25 or less) who is in relatively good health. We have seen the standard underwriting of school systems, cities, tax districts, etc., pass along the average age skewing of the group to the “+1” dependent even when that dependent is actually substantially younger than the average. Retirees who may pay the entire true cost of the dependent coverage on a college age child would be well served to consider Golden Rule individual coverage. In addition to price, there is substantial flexibility in plan designs.

Those purchasing individual Golden Rule medical are also now eligible for two excellent Golden Rule dental plans.

Golden Rule plans are individually medically underwritten and are issued under a group association master contract. As such they cannot be considered “group insurance” plans per se. However, for smaller employers who facilitate the individual purchase of health coverage by their employees, a list bill to the employer can be provided as a vehicle for individual employee payment.

Although we feel Golden Rule’s on-line quoting and application procedures are state-of-the-art, as well as both flexible and price competitive, if a client does not feel they meet their needs adequately, BBCG has numerous other individual carrier markets from which we can solicit proposals.

Link for Free On-line Golden Rule Quote


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Written by Bob Murphy

October 7th, 2008 at 12:51 pm

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History of Boca Benefits Consulting Group

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Boca Benefits Consulting Group, Inc. (BBCG) was formed by Robert W. Murphy in 1996. Its original situs was in Boca Raton, Florida. It was subsequently moved to Clearwater, Florida in 1999. It provides a comprehensive array of employee benefits, business protection and business continuity related services.

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Written by Bob Murphy

September 17th, 2008 at 7:30 am

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Boca Benefits Consulting Group Overview

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BBCG, Inc. has been providing brokerage and consulting services to Florida employers
since its formation in 1996. Its principal consultant, Robert W. Murphy, has over 29 years of insurance carrier and consulting experience. He holds an advanced financial degree and four of the most prestigious financial services designations in the industry (REBC, ChFC, CLU, RHU). He has been a
panelist/speaker at a national conference on the future of healthcare and was a participant at a Harvard University executive program entitled “Skills for the New World of Health Care.”

Link to BBCG Web Site Home Page

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Written by Bob Murphy

September 17th, 2008 at 7:30 am

Posted in Brokers

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